April 10
April 10, 2022 at 6:30pm
2 hrs
via Zoom
The primary elections for the odd-numbered city council seats are around the corner (June 7). Do you know who you are going to vote for and how the candidates stand on sustainability issues?
Join us to talk with candidates for Council Districts (CDs) 5 and 11 (which are open seats with active races). All certified candidates have been invited. Confirmed so far are:
CD 5
Jimmy Biblarz
Scott Epstein
Katy Young Yaroslavsky
CD 11
Erin Darling
Greg Good
Midsanon "Soni" Lloyd
Jim Murez
Mike Newhouse
Allison Holdorff Polhill
Mat Smith
Have a question for a candidate or candidates? Submit it via this Google form. (It might be asked—no promises!)
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