Our advocacy committee serves as the catch-all group for advocacy issues not addressed by other committees or working groups. We meet monthly (usually the 1st Sunday of each month from 6 to 7:30 pm) and have an active Google email group and Slack channel. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Lisa Hart at [email protected] or 323.660.2780. (We have rotating meeting facilitators.) Or just join a meeting!
The meeting info is
passcode: 524019
meeting ID: 883 6096 4371
call in at 669.900.9128,,88360964371#
Our running agenda and notes document is here.
The NCSA's committee guidelines are here.
Did you miss our advocacy training?
Check out the video and Dan's slides.
Current Issues
- Martinez, de León, and Cedillo must resign in order for our city to move forward. And that is just the first step.
- The draft wildlife ordinance is in trouble—we need your help!
- The Mulholland Scenic Parkway Specific Plan—is City Planning's recent interpretation of it the right approach?
- The proposed LA Zoo expansion—we don't think it is consistent with the Zoo's stated goals.
- The LA River—is the County's proposed master plan the way to go?
- Public banking—what is the next step for the City of LA?
- Transit Oriented Communities—it seems that folks either love 'em or hate 'em. What can we do to help ensure that they work for more of us?
- Climate Emergency Mobilization Office—we are so happy that, after years of work on the part of many folks, it is up and running! Visit ncsa.la/advocacy_city_budget to learn more.
- Equitable Capital Improvement Planning—learn more at ncsa.la/submit_a_cis. And thank you to Streets for All for bringing this to our attention!
- #SkipTheStuff—We gotta reduce our plastic consumption, folks!
- Vehicle Idling—Allowing our gas cars to idle instead of turning them off results in unnecessary pollution and greenhouse gases.
Click on the issue name for more info.
See also Submit a CIS and our Energy Committee, Trees Committee, and Transportation Committee pages for more current issues.
Past Issues
See our Past Issues page.
Want to find City Council motions of interest to you?
Check out kegel.com/los-angeles/cis/.
Updated November 2, 2022