How and when will we move to 100% clean, renewable energy?
Since Mayor Garcetti's announcement in February that the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) will not be repowering three gas-fired power plants, the question has arisen—what will we use instead to power our homes and businesses? How quickly can we move to 100%?
Garcetti's launch of a "Green New Deal" includes a target of 80% renewable energy by 2036. Will that be in time? Can we (must we) do more?
This forum will be an opportunity to talk with some of the leading thinkers in the city about the challenges and opportunities we face and where we go from here. We will also explore what role neighborhood councils can play in the transition.
This is largely uncharted territory—we are truly on a new frontier. Please join us for what is bound to be a stimulating conversation!
Speakers include:
Eric Montag, LADWP Senior Manager, Strategic Initiatives and Resource Development
Adrienne Underwood, Sunrun Campaign Manager, Public Policy
Jasmin Vargas, Senior Organizer, Food & Water Watch
Aura Vasquez, former LADWP Commissioner
Sign up to carpool at
Driving/Entering Directions
Once you arrive at 2250 Alcazar Street, turn into the middle of the three driveways, at the sign L17, pass to the right of the unstaffed kiosk, and park in the back. Enter through the doors at the rear of the building, which have a design on them that looks like a musical score (but represents, I am told, yellow proteins on a stainless steel chromosome chain). Signs will direct you upstairs to the Harkness Lecture Hall. There is an elevator toward the front of the building.
Attached is a parking pass for a car windshield, in case you are driving. (If you forget it—no worries! Just come on in; we’ll have one for you there.)
Other Details
The room might be chilly—be prepared!
We will have snacks. And we strive to be sustainable, so please bring a mug or water bottle.
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