When October 08 October 08, 2023 at 6:30pm 2 hrs
Where via Zoom
Contact Lisa Hart [email protected] 323.660.2780

photo by Wally Skalij

We will meet with Emergency Management and City Planning to hear about new climate-related efforts in the City, how these programs will work with each other, and the roles we can play as they develop.

These are: the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, the Climate Vulnerability Assessment, and the Environmental Justice Team.

You can learn more about the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan at emergency.lacity.gov/Local-Hazard-Plan.

The Climate Vulnerability Assessment is mentioned in this report to City Council.


We will also have a conversation led by our trees committee about the La Brea Tar Pits planned expansion, in anticipation of a vote. You can see the notes from our advocacy committee's October 1 discussion here.


Please help us spread the word! Here are our posts on Facebook, Instagram, and, yes, X.

You can check out a recording of the meeting here on our YouTube channel.


Will you come?