Thank you for your RSVP.
You should receive an email with this information.
We will meet Saturday, November 4 from 2 to 5 at the Rio de Los Angeles State Park, 1900 North San Fernando Road, Los Angeles, California 90065. (Set your GPS to San Fernando Road at Macon Street—otherwise you might end up at a closed entrance, at Future Street! If you end up at Future Street, just go a couple blocks north to Macon Street.)
Carpooling: Want to carpool? Find fellow potential carpoolers here.
Parking: Free parking is available in the park. This is an active recreation facility on weekends, and parking can get full. Overflow parking is available on city streets. If coming by car, we recommend you arrive by 1:45 to allow for parking time.
Transit: Metro E-Line French Station is 1.3 miles southeast of the park. Connect with bus 90.
Join us at the outdoor rock-seating area, which you can't see from the parking area. Find the flag poles near the park administration building. Go behind the building and look toward the trees. You will see us there!
This is an outdoor event. Plan accordingly! We plan to be there rain or shine, but will let you know if that changes.
We will take a short easy hike on a trail in a restored habitat area, so wear comfortable walking shoes. We recommend that you bring a reusable water bottle/canteen, and maybe a blanket or lawn chair.
This is a zero-waste event. Please do not bring single-use plastic bottles or other waste to this event. Drinking-water stations are available in the park for drinking directly or to refill your reusable water bottle. We will be giving away native plants, and to avoid waste in the form of handouts, species information and plant care will be available on our website.
Bathrooms: There are accessible (if underwhelming!) bathrooms at the park.
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Need help with something? Contact Charles Miller at [email protected] or 310.806.1635 (cell), ideally before the day of the event!
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