When June 30 June 30, 2024 at 10:00am 5 hrs
Where Westwood Greenway
Contact Charles Miller [email protected] 310.806.1635

Learn how the special stretch of urban native habitat, the Westwood Neighborhood Greenway, affects biodiversity, energy, water, waste, pollution, and our local identity.

And then support biodiversity by clearing out invasive nonnative plants.

We'll start with a tour from about 10 to noon.

Then we'll help maintain this special spot from about noon to 3. (This also helps the LANCSA, as the Westwood Greenway is our fiscal sponsor. They charge us a very low fee in exchange for this support!)

Come when you want and leave when you want! And you might go home with a native plant!

Please help us spread the word! Here are our posts on Instagram and X.


(The Westwood Neighborhood Greenway is in the Westside Neighborhood Council area.)



Will you come?