When July 14 July 14, 2024 at 6:30pm 2 hrs
Where Zoom
Contact Lisa Hart [email protected] 323.660.2780


We will take a vote on the motion in Council File 24-0602 (Synthetic Grass / Artificial Turf / Polyflouroalkyl Substances (PFAS) / Forever Chemicals / Health and Environmental Risks / Drought-Friendly Landscaping) introduced by Councilmember Blumenfield, which the full City Council is expected to vote on when they return from recess late July. For more background, you can visit ncsa.la/artificial_turf and the LANCSA advocacy committee rolling agenda and notes.

Then we will hear from Melanie Winter, director of The River Project, about the final version of the Sepulveda Vision Plan, and discuss taking a position on it in advance of City Council's vote, which is expected to take place in August. For more background, you can visit ncsa.la/sepulveda_basin as well as the the LANCSA advocacy committee rolling agenda and notes.


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A recording of the event is on our YouTube channel here.



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